Hoya balaensis Kidyoo & Thaithong

A twining epiphyte. Leaves broadly ovate, coriaceous, base subcordate to cordate, margins narrowly revolute, apex shortly acuminate, abaxial surface with scattered papillose. Inflorescence 10–49 flowered. Calyx yellowish green, sepals ovate, apex acute, glands 5, alternating with sepals. Corolla creamy to yellowish white, inner surface papillose; corolla lobes ovate, apex acute, reflexed when in full bloom; coronal scales ovate-lanceolate; pollinia obliquely oblong.

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Hoya lithophytica Kidyoo

Lithophytic perennial herb, with white latex in all parts. Leaves small, elliptic, opposite, in 2–3 pairs mostly at shoot tip; blade coriaceous, base acute to obtuse with a basal gland, apex acute to short acuminate; margin entire, faintly reflexed. Inflorescence usually subterminal, sometimes also extra-axillary, umbels, 5–15 flowered. Calyx lobes 5, pinkish white, triangular-ovate to ovate-oblong, apex acute or obtuse, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, inside with one small gland at base between the lobes. Corolla white to pinkish white, rotate, waxy; corolla lobes triangular-ovate, apex acute, spreading when in full bloom, margin slightly revolute; coronal scales purple-red, fleshy. Pollinia yellow, obliquely oblong, apex obtuse, margin smooth. Pistil with 2-ovaries, glabrous.

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Hoya mirabilis Kidyoo

A small climbing epiphyte. Leaves coriaceous, ovate, elliptic, lanceolate or oblanceolate, entire, faintly recurved; apex acute to acuminate, base cuneate to attenuate. Inflorescences extra-axillary, slightly concave in top view, 5-16 flowered. Calyx greenish to reddish-brown, lobes nearly divided, ovate-oblong, apex obtuse, margin ciliate, inside with one small gland at base between lobes. Corolla creamy to yellowish-white, adaxial surface densely pubescent with long straight hair at base and margin of lobes, otherwise glabrous; lobes reflexed, revolute, triangular-ovate, apex acute. Corona yellowish-white, coronal scales ovate-oblong. Pollinia obliquely oblong, yellow, apex truncate, margins pellucid extending over all the dorsal margins of pollinarium. Pistil 2 ovaries, glabrous. Follicles linear-lanceolate in outline. Seeds oblong.

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Hoya phuluangensis Kidyoo

Climbing epiphyte with white latex in all parts. Leaves opposite; blade thick, rigid, coriaceous, obovate or oblanceolate, 5.7–12 × 2.4–3 cm; margins entire, glabrous; apex acuminate, slightly recurved; base acute to obtuse with a small colleter. Inflorescences extra-axillary, 3–10–flowered. Calyx creamy to pinkish white, lobes 5, nearly divided to the base, ovate-triangular,apex acute. Corolla rotate, white or creamy or pinkish white, waxy, 2.3–2.7 cm in diam.; corolla tube shallowly cup-shaped; corolla lobes ovate-triangular, spreading when in full bloom; margins slightly revolute; apex acute, slightly revolute. Corona less than half the size of the corolla. Follicles single or paired, fusiform. Seeds ovate-elliptic; coma 2–2.5 cm long.

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Hoya phuwuaensis Kidyoo

Climbing epiphyte of about 2 m long. Latex yellowish white in all vegetative parts. Leaves elliptic, thick, coriaceous, entire to slightly undulate; adaxial surface dark green with irregular white blotches, scabrous-strigose, abaxial surface pale green with scattered strigose hairs; apex acute to acuminate, base cuneate to acute with a small ovate to oblong colleter. Inflorescences extra-axillary, 18–20-flowered; flower buds pentagonal shaped. Sepals greenish, ovate-lanceolate, apex acute, scabrous, adaxial surface with an ovate basal colleter between lobes. Corolla rotate, creamy to yellowish white; adaxial surface densely pubescent with long straight hairs along the margins of the lobes; lobes reflexed, revolute, ovate, apex acuminate. Corona purple red. Pistil two distinct ovaries glabrous. Follicles linear-lanceolate in outline, pale green with scattered reddish brown spots. Seeds narrowly oblong, with a single coma of silky white hairs .

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Hoya rostellata Kidyoo

Climbing epiphyte with white latex in all parts. Leaves opposite; blade thick, rigid, coriaceous, obovate or oblanceolate, margins entire, glabrous; apex aristate-acuminate, recurved; base obtuse to rounded. Inflorescences extra-axillary, umbel, 8–21–flowered. Calyx greenish to reddish brown, lobes 5, nearly divided to the base, ovate, apex acute, adaxial with a small basal gland between lobes. Corolla rotate, white or creamy white, adaxial surface densely puberulent except the apex of corolla lobe, abaxial surface glabrous; corolla lobes triangular-ovate; margin reflexed, revolute; apex acute, revolute. Coronal scales creamy or pinkish white, fleshy, obovate, upper surface slightly concave, lower surface sulcate. Pollinia obliquely oblong, yellow, apex truncate, margins pellucid extending over the dorsal margins of the pollinia. Pistil with 2-ovaries, ovoid, glabrous.

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